

The world can be divided, the philosopher said,

between two groups of people: those who leave

pegs on the line , and those who don’t:

my first wife was a clearly a proponent

of the second school & I the first which might explain

why we split


even two marriages later

I am hesitant to put the pegs in a tray in case

my new partner is an adherent of the first school

though the presence of a peg tray clearly indicates

the second


I pause

between the two schools

but my old self reasserts itself:

a leopard cannot change its spots.


  • which school do you belong to?
  • have you changed from one school of thought to another?
  • can a leopard change its spots?

7 thoughts on “Leopard

    • I think it means you are an intelligent and organised person. Yes, I have a peg basket too, it hangs on the line, ready when needed. full of pegs ready and working until the day they peg out, and are thrown away …

      Liked by 1 person

  1. πŸ™‚ I.m sure Freud would have come down heavily on one of these two schools of thought. I’m hesitant to look it up in case he comes down against me πŸ™‚


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