All Those Posts … And No Novel

Just think.

500 posts in three years.

I could have written a novel

or short story collection

or that non-fiction book I was always going to write

about the life and death

of board games

or as my grandkids call them

‘bored games’.

Did I choose the form or did the form choose me?

I could be hard on myself

for lacking focus, not chaining myself to my chair.

I would like to be a great writer like David Foster Wallace

but I don’t have the constitution for it.

Besides I don’t look good in a bandana.

A Children’s Picture Story Book

that’s what I’ve always wanted to do.

I’m a lover of the short form.

They’re my thing.

Unwrapping them each morning. People unwrapping mine.

There is joy there.


And who is to say one form is superior to another?

*what do you think?

26 thoughts on “All Those Posts … And No Novel

  1. I like you in this form, John. Nevertheless, have you considered a compilation volume – of some of your 500 blog posts?

    And, CONGRATULATIONS! That is quite a milestone. Nothing at which to be sneezed. 😀

    Liked by 4 people

    • actually in a way I have: my chapbook ‘Hope is the Helium’ is a compilation of common-themed poems from my tow blogs and I have a compilation of my covid poems before the same publisher but we’ll see 🙂
      thanks for the suggestion; there’s a lot on non-poems so I will give it some thought 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. sorry about that; if I feel a post is not working — and I give it a very short time to prove its worth — I ‘ditch’ it: ruthless, I know, but if I feel something is not quite right …. I do it less than I used to though 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. There’s lots of glee for me each time I unwrap one of your posts. Don’t feel there’s a way to measure each of the forms you mentioned. Not like our writing’s worth is all in weight. Just more a currency of joy. Both given and received.


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