Am I the Only One who Does This?

( this was just published on ‘The Drabble’: thought you’d like a read too 🙂 ]

I’ve been clearing up the house

sweeping up the crumbs.

It’s a monthly ritual.

Am I mad? or just dumb?.

I clear away the cobwebs

sweep up the dust

collect and bin the rubbish.

Somebody must.

They won’t wash themselves,

mum used to say.

The sink’s full of them

so I put them away.

Make the place spotless

so it shines & it hums.

& I better get a move on

before the cleaner comes.

22 thoughts on “Am I the Only One who Does This?

  1. I’m another one, I do much more tidying a day or so before the cleaner comes. If I just treated every day like a ‘pre-cleaner’ day, I’d save myself the money of paying for the cleaner! Except of course the cleaner does a more thorough job of cleaning, and does things I don’t want to do …

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  2. I had a boss who would be late to work on Tuesdays because she had to clean for the cleaner. It’s like putting your kids to bed for the babysitter. ☺️. Great poem though. The last line made me chuckle out loud. I hadn’t seen it coming.


  3. Your stories always remind me of something! This time it was the way my mum used to make us wash and change our clothes before going to the hospital. One time I had a head wound which required several stitches and was bleeding like crazy, but she still made me get changed!😂

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