Their Inner Cannibals

Like many writers I keep a journal, jottings of my jousts

with reality:

jests, jumbled thoughts,jaunty glimpses

of how things are

inside their skins,

a goulash of impressions

my larger poems feast upon

so they won’t be thin;

 not a morsel is left untouched, wasted;

you will find them inserted

 in my posts,

sneaky little apercus that say the most.

37 thoughts on “Their Inner Cannibals

  1. Hi John, feel free to replace your apercus with mine. >>> aperçus
    On my Mac, it’s simply holding down the letter ‘c’ and the ALT key. There should be keyboard commands for most keyboards.

    My favourite lines were:

    ” …
    a goulash of impressions

    my larger poems feast upon

    so they won’t be thin;

    They are short lines but visually rich. πŸ™‚


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  2. I do have a serious comment John (believe it or not)

    ‘jottings of my jousts with reality’…I like this


    My jottings are not stored
    When poem’s done and fin
    I tear them out and scrunch them up
    And throw them in the bin

    Someone said when you’re famous Don they’ll be wanting to library your jottings for posterity. Shit John they might have a point. Better go and scavenge in the recycle bin…..


  3. Those “jots” will be the hieroglyphs of tomorrow, mulled over by young illiterates, trying out to decipher your scribbles stunned by the depth of meaning or the lack of. well your posterity is guaranteed keep the well locked up


  4. I catch them by pen then sometimes these days by voice memo ~they always come making themselves k own during motion and sometimes during rest. Today, I biked by ice cream cones being sold next to tomb stones. A seed ready to germinate in a journal.

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