
Give in.

That’s all you can do.

It’s like being bundled

in the boot

of a car,

taken by an alien


You’re abducted, baby.

Whisked away

in the arms

of creativity.

Go with it.

Don’t freak out.

Forget appointments,


even food.

Work, paint, sing.

Whatever’s yr thing.

You’re abducted.

pic courtesy of The New Yorker

39 thoughts on “Abducted

  1. Hi John, hmm, I thought I left a comment but I don’t see it so I’ll leave another. 😦
    I liked the poem John, even though it instils fear in me right now. Abduction against one’s will is a subject I’m grappling with … has to do with Canada’s Indigenous peoples and the discovery of unmarked graves of its children. Just a sad time . 😦
    Hope you’re well,

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I understand Eden’s comments because I’ve been following the Canadian situation on the news, and it is shocking. Writing which does not affect people at some level might as well stay bound and gagged in your skull. At least you raised the issue, even if unintentionally. Sometimes the dog needs to be poked! (Sorry Dauphy).

    Liked by 3 people

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