
Every now and then

piqued with curiosity

I like to visit blogs I used to visit regularly

to see what they are up to,

how well they’re doing:

it’s like gate-crashing a party:

everyone knows everyone else and it’s the same people

there the last few times you checked;

the mood buoyant,

rowdy, rambunctious,

the repartee rapid,

no awkward silences;

you are well out of the loop;

you’re not dressed right anyway

& you barely speak the same language.

Do you dip your toes in, make a comment?

Perhaps not.

Your own blog is doing well enough,

and may be just as intimidating to others

as these are to you.

29 thoughts on “Gate-Crashing

    • you’ve developed a pretty solid readership. Worms and you’re a reliable respondent to other bloggers; and I like to keep up too; it’s a pretty uncomfortable feeling being out of the loop: someone one day must write a poem about it 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

    • one can only surmise, Neil; some have stopped blogging altogether, of course, so that’s an easy one; it’s the others who were regulars who seem to have ‘dropped’ us and have acquired a whole mew readership; their loss, Neil 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Blog party crash. Hi, John. I’m in the middle of a transatlantic move. Someone is going to call social services on my blog soon as it sits in the corner neglected. Ah, such is life right now. Fun to photobomb you’re blog this evening. Thanks for the pick-me-up.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lol; you’re always welcome to my little blog parties 🙂 a transatlantic move: that is a big one; hope you can stay in touch, attend to your blog now and then; always good to hear your voice 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I NEVER wonder, I always put my best foot forward and drive ahead. That’s one of the good benfits of having an Alpha personality, one that seeks to lead.

    Liked by 1 person

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