About Me: An Update


‘This then I can say about my life:

I have two cats, a dog.

three children

and a wife’

except I no longer have a wife or pets, except a cat called Rosco, but have accrued numerous grandchildren and yes, I still whistle while I walk đŸ™‚

I have five books of poetry published, two of which have been self published and many , many poems anthologized. Between 2000 and 2012 I had over 170 childrens’ poems published in major magazines, in the North America, NZ and here in Oz, some of which are still earning royalties from being republished.

I also have three educational titles with major publishers, guides to creative writing in classrooms which schools use, written during the same period.

I sometimes think I should write children’s poems again but I wrote them for/with my grandchildren while they grew up in my presence.