The Mothering Tree

The Mothering Tree.

It’s the place where cars like to park in the heat of the evening before

being driven into their kennels at night.

It’s where walkers like to pause for a few cooling minutes before continuing

their hike ’round the ‘hood.

The scruffy ibis like it too congregating for a chat before the ginger tom

moves them on.

In the afternoon the mothering tree dozes under its enormous

sun hat.

When I buy a house I’m going to buy one with a mothering tree

just like the one in our street.

50 thoughts on “The Mothering Tree

  1. Is this tree indigenous to your country? Do you know the name? It’s so full and squat that I’m amazed its short trunk can support the widest branches. To call it a mothering tree is perfect, really. πŸ˜€

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It’s sort of a sad poem. “When I buy a house” … the poem almost suggests that that day is long off, and the longed-for home is just a mirage on the horizon … Everybody needs a home. I live in a crappy little room and I am on the verge of getting the F. OUT … I just have to complete my diet and then I’m going to begin hitting on chicks and moving in with them … I personally am looking forward strenuously to my future.

    Liked by 2 people

    • hey ! that’s great. We all need a place of our own. And yes, one has to manage their diet; what goes into the body is vitally important: it determines what comes out of it: how much energy,,goodness …..

      Liked by 1 person

  3. My friend, this is beautiful! I LOVE trees and this β€œmothering tree” and your exquisite poem make me wish for my own. There is just something spiritual to me about trees. β€œMothering Tree”—perfection, John!

    Liked by 2 people

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