
Some people can’t get over

their arachnophobia

but say that I’m far sillier :

I have arachnophilia .

Red-backs and huntsmen

and daddy-long-legs

I just love to visit

in grandad’s shed

while the backyard becomes

a construction site

where spiders build webs

on hot summer nights .

Halfway Through

Halfway Through.

I was halfway through my walk ‘round the ‘hood

when the rains came.

That’s when I spied it on the corner of Broad and Spring:

the little old telephone booth that all neighbourhoods used to have

before we got mobile phones.

Okay, it didn’t have a door, but it had three sides, one of which the rain pelted against but it had a roof.

And my mind went back to the early days of DC Comix when Clark Kent dashed into a phone booth to change into superman.

All things were possible in the 1950’s.

You Do the Maths

They go back, my commonplace books

to 1997.

And I’ve been keeping them assiduously,

some might say, obsessively, ever since,

4 or 5  a year. So that’s ……

Well, you do the maths.

What goes in?

Rough copies of poems I’m working on

but also poems I really like,

not just famous, well known poems

but poems posted on WordPress,

yes, poems, you, you and you have written.

I let you know when that occurs.

What determines entry?

Poems that fizz and buzz with energy,

not lazy poems, boring poems, safe poems

but poems that are a little transgressive, poems with edge,

that court oddball words, that experiment with language,

but cool poems, calm poems too

poems that are marked with the individuality of the writer.

Occasionally I cut ineffective lines, passages that don’t work,

It’s the editor in me. But they are stronger for it.

I don’t need to ask permission. They are for my eyes only.

They are poems I read over and over again for inspiration,

for warmth, for comfort – even when they bristle. .

And what have I discovered in all my writing and collating?

I do my best work in the cold.


I squidge


my penitential shoes.


we are going out

into the world.

They are bright & bouncy with anticipation:

brunch at Brunelli’s,

shooting the breeze with Ross

in our big new Zip chairs,

a walk along the lake

tuned into

Jimbo’s Jumbo Juke Box

then off to Fellowship

in worship

communing with the ‘saints’.

It’s a lot

to squidge into

one day,

one bright and beautiful day.

Ruminations on a Rock Star

Ruminations on a Rock Star

I was reading Kelley’s* poem

‘Fifteen Minutes or a Lifetime’

where she says: ‘I’d Like to be a Rockstar/

Wearing rock star clothes …’

& I thought, Hey! I used to be like that :

I wanted to be a rock star like Mick Jagger’

or Elvis , only I couldn’t hold a note ;

and then I wanted

to be a famous author like Salman Rushdie

until the fatwa hit him;

but eventually

I settled for anonymity —

that’s more my style:

pottering and pondering, soaking it all in

not giving it all out,

family, friends, Fellowship.

*’piano girl’ blog

  • pic courtesy Of pinterest

The Best Bits

The Best Bits.

I refuse to wear a beanie when I go to bed,

refuse to stiffen up; I’m not yet dead.

I want to be loose and happy as a rope,

to say, Yes! Yes! Yes! more often than Nope!

Would love to talk in parables like Jesus did

so I can reveal that which is hid,

Want a life of wonder, new experiences too;

not a life that’s 1 ply, 3 ply will do.

Wish time were a horse and it would giddy –up

to get to the best bits where I don’t stuff up.

Don’t want to die and then be forgotten.

Want to be remembered like Johnny Rotten,

  • pic by pinterest



Showers acupuncture skin , pummel

angry muscles into submission ;

like coffee they

kick-start us into action ,

the quick fix , the jab

for our frenetic times but

the y are ill-suited to contemplation or insight —


would have discovered nothing under

a shower ;

nor are they

conducive to knowledge ;

you cannot

read under showers nor

can you write unless it is wet verse ;

moreover showers only cater for one side at a time —

leaving  the

other blue with cold ;

in this baths are more inclusive immersing us

like icebergs with only

the head above water ;

showers have much to learn ;

young upstarts , they lack the noble

ancestry of baths yet

arrogantly tower above them  ; their heads

must constantly be lowered



          A boat-shaped vessel with room for one ;

when you clamber into a bath ,

you are

 captain,crew, passenger

          rolled into one —

yet baths

          require no special skills

          nor do they stand on ceremony ;

          in this they are like

          some beaches — dress is entirely optional ;

entering a bath

          you enter a topsy-turvy  world

          where water fills the craft not surrounds it —

though baths will never sink ;

head back , you settle down but are going nowhere—

          baths have no destinations

          nor sails and are permanently in

          dry dock —

yet people

          have been known to drift off

          in baths emerging

          rosy skinned and luminous as if

          fresh from a voyage .

  • pic by pinterest

Ode on a Peroni Pint Glass

Peroni Ode.


& tapered


an elegant woman


you are a


to hold

the cold beer finding


in you;

no ingenue,

you are sophisticated

& true

……. and a little ditty :

You can’t upstage these

they have flair up their sleeves;

nothing else surpasses

Peroni pint-size glasses