

          A boat-shaped vessel with room for one ;

when you clamber into a bath ,

you are

 captain,crew, passenger

          rolled into one —

yet baths

          require no special skills

          nor do they stand on ceremony ;

          in this they are like

          some beaches — dress is entirely optional ;

entering a bath

          you enter a topsy-turvy  world

          where water fills the craft not surrounds it —

though baths will never sink ;

head back , you settle down but are going nowhere—

          baths have no destinations

          nor sails and are permanently in

          dry dock —

yet people

          have been known to drift off

          in baths emerging

          rosy skinned and luminous as if

          fresh from a voyage .

  • pic by pinterest

42 thoughts on “Bath

  1. Somehow baths never provide the refreshing of a shower especially when you are the last kid in the family to use it!
    Stay too long and you skin wrinkles like a prune. But I still loved your take on the experience. Such imagination John!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I like how you inverted the bath as a boat, but with the water inside it. Your poem and the photo of Charlie Chaplin made me realize that if we wear clothes in the bath, we can skip doing laundry. A time saver to clean several things at once!

    Liked by 2 people

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