

It’s terrible when you’re amped

and don’t know why

or worse still

don’t know what to do with it.

You could go for a run

get all hot & sweaty

but you’d need to shower afterwards

for that appointment with the oncologist.

So you sit here on the chair

feet madly tapping

while you keyboard this stuff

onto the page.

It’s gotta be good for something.

Like that ‘Guide For Anchoresses’ [c 1230] says:

‘The heart is a full wild beast

and maketh many wild leaps’,

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More Hadron Collider

More Hadron Collider.

More Hadron Collider than Merry-Go Round

thoughts race around

the beam pipes

of my mind

near the speed of light.

If I close my eyes

I can make out

the blur

little flibbertigibbets speed talking

at each other

colliding in bursts of light

a few of which end up

as poems.

pic courtesy of Wikicommons



It only lasted a few seconds

but I felt woozy as a drunk

a first timer on a passenger ship

riding a bumpy sea.

Whoa! I said, gripping the reins tighter

but the doc was concerned:

What is it, John? What’s happening?

My vision’s all over the place, doc.

Hang on, he said, taking my blood pressure,

feeling my pulse.

All good, he declared. Just rest for a few minutes here

till it settles.

I did. It did.

Boy! it was scary but sort of exhilarating too

like that time Marilyn Monroe

looked at herself in a fun house mirror

back in the fifties.

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A Little Bit of Astral Traveling

A Little Bit of Astral Traveling.

My body’s telling me to eat chocolate, dark chocolate.

I used to drink a red which Dino recommended called ‘Dark Side

of the Moon’ and do a bit of astral traveling between sips but my nose

kept running so I had to give it up.

I don’t know why but my nose runs when I pee. I went to see

my urologist but he told me to stop wasting his time.

Maybe there’s a message there.

A carrier pigeon dropped by the other day with a note between

his beak. It said, your house is burning

so I rushed outside to the honeysuckle hedge and read the good book

till the flames simmered down.

When I simmer down I’ll stop writing nonsense like this

but hey! I’m just doing what Spike used to do

& let the silly in.

Him !

Him !

when Cousin Lymon


on the back of Miss Amelia

during her fight with Henry Macy, her vicious ex

she felt the


of betrayal —

she took the hunchback in;

like Jesus

when Judas pointing



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The John Wick of Gardeners

.Drifting, Just drifting.

I could sprinkle cinnamon sugar

over the cereal.

That’d be different.

Then I hear the monster outside

clawing the window

flaunting its fecundity.

I drop everything.

Mark can’t come to the 9th

so its up to me.

I dash outside in my pj’s

Spider-man socks and slippers

& I dove into it

bashing, slashing, lopping,

limbs flying everywhere —

the John Wick of gardeners.

I’m bleeding but proud.

The monster is cowed.

The 9th can’t come soon enough.

*pic courtesy of pinterest

What it Was Like

What it was Like.

It was like an infusion of Premium ’98 in my tank,

the fuel that gave my lethargic Lamborghini zest and zing,

that taught it how to sing along the road in lusty lazarettos

of recovery; it was a discovery like Cortez first sighting

the Pacific from a peak in Darien, or to be more specific

the first time I read your little chapbook of poems

as exquisite as the chronograph on Lewis Hamilton’s arm.

*pic courtesy of pinterest


I’m flipping through my commonplace books

& I come across a poem

by Yard Sale of Thoughts

one I recognize

& I pull over like a train at a station;

it’s ebullient, freewheeling

like Dylan’s ‘Mr. Tambourine Man’

& I’m hitting the keys hard ‘coz I want to tell you

about it, how I feel;:

it feels like the sun on yr back

on a winter’s day, the bosom of yr love

in the morning,

that shiver down your spine

when you hear the riff of ‘Sugar Sugar’;

it just lifts you;

I have some poems like that too:

‘Tepid’, ‘The Indolent Killer’

a mere handful.

We are all haunted by our best poems

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What’s That Word?

What’s That Word?

What’s that word? I say.

Fecund, she says.

Yes, that’s it. Unbridled growth.

Like that honeysuckle hedge that keeps wanting

to devour the house.

Like toenails, she adds, with a chuckle, which reminds me

I must make an appointment with the podiatrist.

Like some cancers, I add. Inflation, climate change.

No need to get dark, she says.

Sorry, I say, my imagination sometimes runs rampant.

Fecund, she says.

The Howling

The woman next door is howling with pain.

It is 3 in the morning.

Clearly she is doing it harder than me.

I went in ten days ago

with a high fever

and within 24 hours my frail craft

had sailed off into the South Pole

where I was hit with pneumonia

and racked with pain.

It was Scott of the Antarctic meets ‘The Thing’.

I’m in calmer waters now.

Five days with minor ailments.

They’ve brought me into dock.

Going home today.

*pic courtesy of pinterest