15 thoughts on “Pinata

  1. Hey! it’s funny you mentioned that, Chelsea. My Friday friend and my best mate both rib me that my poetry doesn’t rhyme, that it’s chopped-up prose. And when I do a rhyming poem they almost fall over backward 🙂

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  2. Funny Alzheimers poem … hmm. Possible, but not easy. I could write a poem for my up and coming collection, I reckon, John. Possible title “I don’t want what he was having …’


    • I wrote a poem about it, but it’s a bit heavy, it’s too close and personal for me to make light of, it seems, which isn’t surprising. It’s a poem I’m glad to have written though John, so thank you for the prompt …

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    • The poem I wrote speaks of the traits I inherited from my Dad, and is about how I don’t want to inherit his Alzheimers. This is very true, and it is a bit of a fear for me, to end up with no memories of the ones I love, and unable to care for myself, or have any real knowledge of anything much at all, really.


  3. I don’t know if there’s a place for the poem I’ve written, it feels like it may be more therapy for self,rather that something for other people. I have other ideas on approaching the subject differently, perhaps make it less ‘my story’, and somewhat lighter.


  4. that gets tricky, Carolyn when a poem appears to be in that area. perhaps it’s time to put it away for a while and come back to it a month or so later. Or to disguise it. My most published poem ‘Shame’ is about something very, very personal but it has been successfully concealed behind a metaphor. I may post it later so you can have a look


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