A Petulance of Poets

Not a tower of giraffes

Nor a bloat of hippopotami

But a petulance of poets

Gathered in a side room

Of the library

Each champing at the bit

Wishing the bore out the front

Would bugger off and let someone

Worthy get on

Not really listening

But when their turn comes,

Oh the words, the words,

Such melody, such sweetness,

Was ever anything ….

Barely noticing that many who had already read

Had buggered off home or hit the bar.

I have heard Stand-Up Comics are much like this.

It is no laughing matter.

  • pic courtesy of Wikipedia

35 thoughts on “A Petulance of Poets

  1. Good! Slyly backhanded. We are more interested in receiving accolades ourselves than in giving to others. The bore out front has needs, too; and they may have labored long and hard on their composition. Nevertheless… if the poem is the thing… and it is does not strike a chord or two or three… what’s to be done?

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