Perhaps I Shouldn’t Have Said It


Perhaps I shouldn’t have said it

But I was just a kid

Stuck inside a senior’s body

And so I did.


I thought it showed a little wit

But it was way off grid

A sort of Heathcliff on the moors

A fugitive from my Id.


I should have kept a lid on it

Would have been better if I did

But not everything condescends

To sit sedately in the Id.


  • do you think there are things we shouldn’t speak about?
  • what do we do with these primal feelings that keep threatening to ‘come out of the closet’?



2 thoughts on “Perhaps I Shouldn’t Have Said It

  1. I still think Laurence Olivier was brilliant in ‘Wuthering Heights’ back in the forties. I don’t think they’ve made another attempt at the novel. The Olivier one was quite iconic: Emily Bronte’s ode to the Id 🙂


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