But is it poetry, John?

But is it poetry, John?

You mean, is it like Wordsworth’s ‘Daffodils’

you know the one, ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’

or ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’?

Probably not.

Well, How about Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost?

Come on, we’re talking 2020 here.

Then what?

A little bit of Billy Collins, I say, and Billy Connelly,

a sort of mad mix, the demotic and demonic.

We let our dirty laundry hang out. moon the pious,

but always in an Aussie accent. Your country first.

Does it have to rhyme? you ask. Probably not.

It’s not like Aussie Rules. There are no rules.

Though it’s a game anyone can play.

Just let it rattle off the tongue, roll off the mind,

Ignore the referees.

Have fun.

16 thoughts on “But is it poetry, John?

  1. Our poems may not be as good or they may be even be better than poems written in the past.

    But, one thing is certain the Poets of years long gone are in their graves while we are still counted among the living.

    Yet the day will come when others will argue the merits of our poetry – whether god or bad at least they’ll be reading our words long after we are gone. 🙂

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  2. that is a comforting thought; I was brought up on the classics, David, but I still enjoy the poems I read on blogs; the ones I really enjoy I copy into my commonplace book and reread them from time to time 🙂

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