On the Way Back Home

On the way back home

in the taxi

we bickered and bickered

the cabby kept his counsel.

It was over something petty.

Halfway home I stopped

because someone had to.

We have to let go, I said, remembering Buddha’s words

about attachment.

At the traffic stop, windows down

we could hear the birds flustering in the big tree

near the church

settling in for the night.

The yellow moon shone down.

We grew quiet as a Xmas tree

when the lights are all

turned off.



Don’t go frothing at the mouth.

It is not a good look.

Don’t go wacko.

Your last post was a disaster.

Thankfully few saw it.

Retain some semblance of control.

Do something peaceful.

Eat a fig.



So here am I

out on the sun deck

my sunnies and I

eating toasted garlic bread

looking out over the blue waters

of the lake

and feeling blessed;

you don’t have to be dashing around Corfu

or going wild at a rock festival

to be having a good time;

just sitting out here is enough

at peace with myself and the world,

knowing I have done good.



Someone once asked me to write a poem

about a jacket.

I didn’t know what to write except how it waits

quietly in the closet

like the car in the driveway

the strawberries in their punnets,

the placid souls at Centrelink in their

green plastic chairs,

the patience of the poem upon the page.

No tapping of fingers.

Gruff looks.

Drawing attention to oneself.

Most humans are not like that.

We’re tricky,


We can go off anytime.

Which is why I turn to things

for solace and assurance.

Things don’t break your heart.

  • pic courtesy of Wiki Commons



Jetties are long and sturdy.

You can stand

upon jetties and think

you are at sea , look safely

into the black

throbbing heart of a storm ,

watch the waves roll in

like liquid

mountains . People lean

from jetties , dream from jetties

fishing for

tranquility .They are

walkways into and out of

the mind . Umbilical

chords attaching us to the sea .

The Naked Beach

The Naked Beach

Get your head

out of yr ass,

said my mentor;

all things must pass;

look around;

be here, now;

look at the cows

in the field,

how placid they are

learn what I cannot teach;

imbue the wisdom

of the naked beach

Three Nights

Three nights of frazzled sleep

crammed into four hours on the couch

mellowed by malbec, merlot, mataro

an afternoon of tasting platters & wine samplings

at Penny’s Hill where black-faced sheep slumbered

under the oak; now you slumber so gently:

sweet Lethe has taken your troubles over the border;

you will awaken and forget

The Castle


Somewhere remote

somewhere bespoke

for those

who practice civility

a castle you can row out to

a stronghold

of equanimity

no messy emotions

no urge to outdo

a castle with a billy goat

nestled in a sea

of robin egg blue.

pic courtesy of Pinterest